Friday, April 23, 2010

Creepin' on Golin Harris!

Hello again Blog,

We haven't talked in some time.

Today, I had a phone interview at Golin Harris in Dallas and naturally, my blog was mentioned. Realizing I had not blogged for some time, I thought I would make a shout-out to all of the engaging and exciting people I "met" today.

This is sort of like a thank-you letter.
I figured, I had a phone interview, why not a Blog thank-you?

Jenise and Melissa (Mel is what it seems most people call you), you both seem so fun and outgoing; a pair I could really see myself becoming friends with! Thank you for letting me know about the culture and internship program at Golin Harris (hope I didn't talk your ears off). Jenise (hope I'm spelling your name right), how cool that we're both from Ohio!?!? Not to mention you were a part of Alpha Xi for awhile? Wow, small world for sure! Too cool, though. (Sorry ladies, if I offended the "techie" in you) Though, I was once a techie too... Just a different techie. I did behind-the-scenes work for our theatre at ONU.

Tana, Kylie and Glenn (again, hope I'm spelling everyone's name right), you were all also very helpful in telling me about the culture and daily life at Golin Harris. Glenn, your advice and pointers really helped me to examine further why I am interested in Golin Harris. You gave a fresh point-of-view that others hadn't offered yet. Tana, I love that you creeped on my Blog! Moreover, I love that you used the word creeped! Haha! I had a great time talking to you and learning about the technology vs. consumer sides. I kept thinking the "light or dark" sides, but I won't attest to which is which! (Honestly, I think both seem pretty cool!) Kylie, thank you for your perspective on consumer and technology as well. I'm glad you gave me your story to think about over the next few days.

Finally, Becca. Oh, Becca how wonderful to finally talk to you! You have been so very hospitable and helpful throughout this entire process. Golin picked a great person to work with potential interns! Thanks again for all of your help and information and for the chance to interview with Golin Harris. I will be in touch.

Thanks again, everyone!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To blog or not to blog?

So I really do want to keep up on my Blog, but sometimes I see Blogging as taking away from my other duties. Since no one is pressuring me to blog, grading my Blog or scrutinizing my Blog for an interview, I equate blogging with procrastination. (Gasp!) Really though, I just stink at it. I don't think, "Wow I just had a good thought, I should Blog about that!" I just think hmm the world should think about this... then I move on. I am not fulfilling my duties as a millennial (aren't we going to change the world or something? Talk about pressure!) I will be back soon though, I have a cool topic to bring up. Just not enough time to write about it at this very moment. Excuses, excuses... But really, I'll be back ASAP.

What have I learned?
I need to share my brilliancy with the world. (too much?)