Monday, September 28, 2009

My Crazy College Life

So this entire week I feel that I have accomplished nothing, but truly I have accomplished a ton. Currently things to be concerned with on my life list are: schoolwork, Alpha Xi Delta, PRSSA, formal recruitment, voting meetings, round practices, fundraising for PRSSA National Conference, Joe Trahan account, trying to work out everyday, finding a loan that someone will actually give me so I can remain at school, constant concern that someone is going to buy my family's house because the owner went bankrupt, oh, and could I squeeze in a social life too please? I really just want to scream.

I talked to my mom for the first time in over 2 weeks today even though I have so much to do, but I didn't care; family always wins in my book. Schoolwork is taking a backseat to almost everything else because I just don't have the physical time to sit down and actually DO any of it because I am always in a meeting or doing something else. Should I prioritize? Yes, of course, but how do I prioritize when everything seems to be happening faster than I can even function?

When it rains, it pours; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's the familiar advice I have been reflecting on basicallly since the first week of school this quarter. My question is, just how strong do I have to be, and how many things do I need to learn how to balance, because whatever is coming in the future that I am "preparing" for now, is going to be a BOMBSHELL.

Hopefully after Bid Day this weekend, life will slow down a little and I can play some catch up. In the meantime, that's one blog down, two to go, a 15-page research paper due Friday that I haven't been able to start yet, two journal entries to write, over 300 pages of reading between my classes and a graphic design project to draw and matt by Tuesday; all in between meetings every single night this week. Awesome.


  1. I hear ya with the insane schedule this quarter! What is with this fall quarter anyway? I feel it's like the busiest one I've had yet. And a lot of my friends are really busy and overwhelmed already as well. Family comes first in my book as well. One night I called up my sister just to take a break from things. It is hard for college students to finally sit down and get work done after getting practices, meetings, etc. out of the way because every ounce of energy seems to be sucked out of us! I think to myself, "man, if it's this bad now, what will it be like in the 'real world?'" Scary thought. Hang in there! And THANK YOU for helping with the Trahan account! Means a lot.

  2. Deep breaths, Alli. It's been worse, right? If it helps any, I like to write things down. At first, it's overwhelming to look at it, but then it really helps me put things in perspective. Plus, with everything there in front of you, you don't have to worry about forgetting something and being even more stressed about that. Until then, try to carve a tiny slice of time for yourself. I know it seems like you don't have any time for that, but it always helps me be more productive when I know I've done my own thing. It can be super simple; do some yoga, cook a great breakfast, read a chapter of book for leisure. But most importantly, breathe. Oxygen makes your brain work better. :-)

  3. Haha. Thanks for the guidance, Natalyn.
