I was just trying to think of a great topic for a 'what's up in PR' this evening, and so I began to type into Google.com, "what is new...." I didn't get past what, because Google finished my question with the number one search. That search is, "what is twitter." Here is the link to the search: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0&oq=what&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS343US343&q=what+is+twitter
I must say, as soon as I saw that come up, I smirked a bit. Actually, I laughed out loud.
As a user of Twitter, I sometimes get picked on by the non-believers. I talk about Twitter in public and I use Twitter from my phone. I am often the butt of Twitter jokes in social circles of people who are not familiar with Twitter. Here I am now, knowing a secret of the non-believers. It is not that the people who pick on me for using Twitter actually hate the site, they just don't know what Twitter is! Some may very easily know what Twitter is, but don't really like the idea of the site or would rather stick to other social media. HOWEVER, people are obviously curious.
Am I taking this Google search a little too far? Maybe, but in the world of public relations (my world), being the top search on Google is a HUGE deal. So good job, fellow tweets, I would say that we have been talking enough to make quite the impact.
In case you are not familiar with twitter, here is a link to check it out! http://twitter.com/
Twitter. Well I admit to be a new member and have not yet fully taken back my days of mocking this site. I am one of those who know what it is but still maybe resent it a little. Perhaps I have not allowed myself to become fully enveloped in Twitter so my skepticism remain.
ReplyDeleteTwitter is the new wave and I support social networking, so I suppose I am a little proud of the top search as well. Go tweeters!