Have you ever just needed to cry so badly but just couldn't? Happens to me a lot. I don't like to cry. Last night though, my sisters of Alpha Xi Delta and I went around a circle and remembered why we are still members and what the sisterhood means to us. I explained that Alpha Xi is my safe zone, my foundation and my rock at Ohio Northern University. Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of this school. If it weren't for the amazing public relations program and AXiD, I'd be long gone and without regrets. AXiD to me, is where I go to school, not ONU. I have to tell myself this because sadly I just don't agree with most of the administration or the way students are overly-parented here. My Alpha Xi's are my type of people. Without them I would not be anything close to the person I am today. Aww, warm fuzzy feelings :)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Slacking again!
Uh-oh! I've been slacking on writing every week again... Darn. Well I can't think of much, but here's a little something:
Monday, March 15, 2010
Bob Peterson-ONU Alum, Pixar Genius, Fellow Greek
This evening as required by two of my classes this quarter, I attended a speaker. I went into the lecture thinking I would likely be bored. I mean come on, this guy graduated from ONU as an engineering major! How entertaining could he be? No offense, engineering majors. Anyway, Bob Peterson was actually a very funny and engaging speaker, doing voices of some characters he has played for Pixar and showing a few clips. Peterson was actually the voice of "Dug" the talking dog in Pixar's latest success, Up.
I found the entire lecture to be in the very least, entertaining. I learned that Peterson was a Phi Kappa Theta here at ONU, a fraternity that unfortunately no longer exists here and more unfortunately, neither does their house. From what I have heard from some older Alpha Xi Delta (my sorority) Alumae, our girls were pretty good friends with the Phi Kaps.
Currently my chapter of Alpha Xi Delta has been struggling in more ways than one to remain competitive on campus. I'm not afraid to say so because many people already know this about the chapter. However, what I'm saying is that I can relate with what may have happened to Phi Kappa Theta at the beginning of the end, so I was feeling a little sensitive. Also, today was the day that Alpha Xi handed out invitations to membership and seeing my chapter move forward, even just a little bit, I am so thankful.
As soon as Peterson received his brick (that was created into a plaque of sorts) I could see the mixed emotions on his face. Even from 20 plus rows back, I could see the flood of happy memories, the pride behind his letters and the regret that his beloved chapter could no longer carry on. Through a weakened tone, much less sure of himself than before, he explained his feelings of regret, but that if Phi Kappa Theta comes back, he will be there to place that brick back in the wall of a new house.
At first, I thought to myself, "I hope that never happens to me and my Alpha Xi Delta." While I still sincerely hope that my sorority is never put through such a hardship, I realized something. I realized that as bad as I may think things are going, I still have my sisters, and for now, I still have the ability to share my chapter with new bright young women. If someday Gamma Tau chapter of Alpha Xi Delta ceases to exist, I hope to be strong enough to still have hope that Alpha Xi can return, and I will do whatever I can to be sure that it happens.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Spring Quarter has Sprung!
It's a new quarter at ONU and I am taking an interesting menagerie of classes.
First I have "Personal Health Problems" a health class taught by a very entertaining Kate Witty. Her name, Witty, fits her. I literally took this class because I heard the professor is a trip. This is true. Professor Witty slides in her dry humor and sarcasm so quickly that some students miss the joke. I almost wish I had taken the class at a later time so that my classmates were more awake to laugh with me. I laugh pretty obnoxiously, and it can be embarrassing to laugh alone!
My next class is "Campaigns" taught by the lovely, recently titled Doctor, Dr. Alisa Agozzino, or more lovingly known as "Aggie" by many of her favorite students. This class will likely be the toughest simply because it's labor-intensive. I am excited though, because the first day I won a giant lollipop for most creative "neighbor introduction." My partner, Callie Crum, also did a fantastic job of introducing me. (high-five, Callie)
I am also taking "Principles of Marketing" my first official business in the upscale Dicke College of Business. (I say upscale because this building has gorgeous architecture and about 10 times as many classrooms as my quaint communications section of the Performing Arts Center) My professor is... interesting. She lives an intriguing life and I know this because our first lecture was pretty much about well, her. She is however, energetic and knows a lot about her field so I am sure I will gain something useful from the class.
I am taking PR practicum, which is a standard that I've been taking 1 credit in since Spring of last year. Basically I just do work outside of class that is considered "PR experience" and log the hours to gain credit. That class is with Dr. Stephen Iseman APR, PRSA Fellow, the head of our department. He's awesome. Easy as that. Oh and PRSA's Educator of the year 2009. Get it Dr. I.
Finally I am taking "Digital Photography" with Professor Tim Carrig. So far all we have done is listen to his love of photography, look at photos and talk about old photographers. The history lesson and viewing photos was cool but his story about his love for photography took almost 1.5 hours to explain... A little much. Should be a fun class and a good way to learn Photoshop, though.
Spring quarter has sprung, and already I have a full plate. Normally my plate is full by the middle of a quarter so it seems I will really being piling it on! Hopefully I survive and have a fantastic internship this summer. In Texas. So I can be with some of the most amazing people in my life ever. My "in-laws." Haha.
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