Have you ever just needed to cry so badly but just couldn't? Happens to me a lot. I don't like to cry. Last night though, my sisters of Alpha Xi Delta and I went around a circle and remembered why we are still members and what the sisterhood means to us. I explained that Alpha Xi is my safe zone, my foundation and my rock at Ohio Northern University. Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of this school. If it weren't for the amazing public relations program and AXiD, I'd be long gone and without regrets. AXiD to me, is where I go to school, not ONU. I have to tell myself this because sadly I just don't agree with most of the administration or the way students are overly-parented here. My Alpha Xi's are my type of people. Without them I would not be anything close to the person I am today. Aww, warm fuzzy feelings :)
and oh yeah... I bawled my eyes out...