I found the entire lecture to be in the very least, entertaining. I learned that Peterson was a Phi Kappa Theta here at ONU, a fraternity that unfortunately no longer exists here and more unfortunately, neither does their house. From what I have heard from some older Alpha Xi Delta (my sorority) Alumae, our girls were pretty good friends with the Phi Kaps.
Currently my chapter of Alpha Xi Delta has been struggling in more ways than one to remain competitive on campus. I'm not afraid to say so because many people already know this about the chapter. However, what I'm saying is that I can relate with what may have happened to Phi Kappa Theta at the beginning of the end, so I was feeling a little sensitive. Also, today was the day that Alpha Xi handed out invitations to membership and seeing my chapter move forward, even just a little bit, I am so thankful.
As soon as Peterson received his brick (that was created into a plaque of sorts) I could see the mixed emotions on his face. Even from 20 plus rows back, I could see the flood of happy memories, the pride behind his letters and the regret that his beloved chapter could no longer carry on. Through a weakened tone, much less sure of himself than before, he explained his feelings of regret, but that if Phi Kappa Theta comes back, he will be there to place that brick back in the wall of a new house.
At first, I thought to myself, "I hope that never happens to me and my Alpha Xi Delta." While I still sincerely hope that my sorority is never put through such a hardship, I realized something. I realized that as bad as I may think things are going, I still have my sisters, and for now, I still have the ability to share my chapter with new bright young women. If someday Gamma Tau chapter of Alpha Xi Delta ceases to exist, I hope to be strong enough to still have hope that Alpha Xi can return, and I will do whatever I can to be sure that it happens.
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