Sunday, September 13, 2009

Flash Mob!!!

So, yesterday, September 12, some of my ONU PRSSA buddies and I went to THE Ohio State University to take part in a flash mob for Donatos Pizza Flash mobs are a fresh, new, mini campaign strategy. YouTube has a fantastic array of examples of flash mobs to check out:

Our group met behind the football stadium and organized. We then split into two groups. The idea was for the two groups to walk toward each other, one group shouting “DONATOS!” while the other group (my group) shouted, “HAND-TOSSED.” We walked through a crowded tail-gating community of sorts, all the while, tossing pizza dough in the air. After the two groups met, we kept shouting and tossing and suddenly, we stopped, handed out coupons, and quickly dispersed. The entire show took minutes, but the amount of people who were thinking about Donatos hand-tossed pizza were at least in the mid-hundreds if not tipping the thousands scale.

I, being the little public relations nerd I am, was super-excited to be taking part in something this cool. I could feel people watching the group even when we were just walking to our destination. Peoples’ mouths moved as they read our t-shirts, “I knead dough, then I toss it.” I had a great time, learned a little something and got a free shirt and a free pizza! I think flash mobs are going to catch on faster and faster, and soon, we will live in a world similar to a musical. Think about it, people breaking out in random singing/dancing/tossing pizza dough? Yep, musical world is coming, and I'm ready!



    This is the link to our flash mob at the OSU/USC game. Just got posted, so check it out, also check out the polaris mall one!

  2. I've not heard of the flash mob as being the latest PR tactic. Very interesting.

    The first one I had ever heard about was one at the Vanderbilt Library, when a roommate of mine was accidentally included on the mailing list to start one in the Vandy Library during exam week. I later saw the video. I can't wait to see your video.

  3. I'm so jealous that you were able to be part of a flash mob! I've seen videos and I'm so excited to actually see one and think, "what the...?" and then be so excited when I see one. The flash mob is a very good tool. For an instantaneous world we need something that is going to create a radical response. A flash mob does that. It's there and then they're gone. It leave people puzzled and questioning it the rest of the day...exactly what PR processionals want when campaigning for their company. We should really try to do one on campus!
